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Contact UsLumineers Dominican Republic
Lumineers® are a world most recognized Brand of Porcelain Veneers made with Cerinate® material from Den-Mat Dental Labs. Unlike other porcelain veneers brands or materials, they are extremely thin (from 0.2 to 0.3 milimeters), with high translucency and a very natural appearance. They are used to correct stained and discolored teeth, chipped teeth, eliminate spacing and gaps, align crooked teeth, reshape small teeth, renew old dental work or perfect your Hollywood Smile.
Lumineers® are unique beautiful custom-created and ultra thin porcelain veneers. In most cases, there is a minimal or no teeth preparation, avoiding uncornfortable long appointments with tooth reduction, application of local anesthesia, having sensitivity after the appointment or wearing temporaries.
They are long term solution for smile makeovers which means that your Lumineers®, with a proper care and good oral hygiene, can last up to 15 years.
This procedure takes only two appointments:
First Appointment: After initial consultation, impressions of your upper and lower teeth are taken, and a mold, along with photos and records are sent to Denmal to begin the custom manufacture of your Lumineers®.
Second Appointment: After 7 to 9 days, your Lumineers® will be placed on your teeth bonded one by one.
That´s it. In only 2 easy and comfortable dental visits, you can have the beautiful natural looking smile you will love!
To obtain more information about your treatment with Lumineers visit Den-Mat Dental Labs website at
For an evaluation of your case please download and fill the Smile Evaluation Form and send it along your pictures to our Email